Sunday 10 July 2011

Notes from watching past A2 advanced portfolio final pieces
  • Use a tripod to keep camera steady
  • Consider sound level - may require a voice note over a video in order to make the sound clearer (especially in a long distance shot)
  • Consider the pace of editing and ensure it is suitable for the genre of the film
  • Use sound effects
  • Close-up shots work well in a trailer
  • Hand-held footage = out of focus/shaky/blurry (good for horrors)
  • Consider institution e.g. Working Title, Universal
  • Juxtaposition (music matching image)
  • Use an engaging subject = documentary
  • Rule of thirds  (subject on the 1/3 of the screen)
  • Edit to suit the point being put across

Short Film

About a Girl 
2001 (short film)
Duration: 9mins 50secs
  • rough area, parent with several children, no attention: father shows interest in football, pub and newspaper and the mother in her younger children

Factors in which I can consider if I choose to create a short film:
  • Establishing shot taking from a low angel makes the actress appear more isolated
  • Actress uses stream of conscious (saying her thoughts)
  • Quick cuts
  • Monologue (one person talking)
  • Song lyrics used throughout = irony, preoccupied, child fantasy = being in a band/famous marriage